
Funeral Cost per town

Funerals in Greek Mainland

We offer our services as complete price-packages for transportation and funeral in Greek Mainland. We can take care and arrange a funeral or cremation for a relative or friend of yours anywhere in Greece even if you are thousands miles away. We will follow your instructions, announce the death, inform relatives and neighbors and organize the ceremony, reception, burial or cremation, without any problem. You can always pay for our services with Credit Card or PayPal

You can find the details and pricing for our services per city in our Greek section Funeral Cost per town.

All transportations to Greek mainland must be paid in advance.

Our transportation package from Athens to Greek Mainland does not include:

  • Any local expenses at destination church and cemetery
  • Τransfer cost in case autopsy is ordered (Autopsy is free in Αthens)
  • Days in freeze (1st day is included)
  • Wreaths
  • Church's flower decoration
  • Better quality coffin